Monday, August 17, 2009


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潮州地处广东省东部,东与福建接壤,是国家历史文化名城,著名侨乡,对外开放旅游城市,素有“海滨邹鲁”、“岭海名邦”之称。全市总面积陆地 3116.12平方公里、海域533平方公里,总人口250万人,旅居海外的潮籍侨胞、华人及港澳台同胞约200万人。辖二县二区,即潮安县、饶平县和湘桥区、枫溪区。潮安县辖19个镇,饶平县辖21个镇,湘桥区辖城区9个街道和意溪镇。

潮州建制历史悠久。自东晋咸和六年(公元331 年)设立海阳县以来,至今已有1600多年的历史,隋朝时撤郡设州,始称“潮州”。新中国建立前,潮州均为历代县、郡、州、路、府的治所,位居粤东地区政治、经济、文化中心。在漫长的历史长河中,长期的对外交往和中西文化交融,使本土的原生文化与周边文化、中原文化、海洋文化互相交流渗透,形成了风格独特的地域文化 —— 潮人文化,拥有地方特色鲜明、结构完整、门类齐全、品位甚高的文化景观。728处文物点以及潮州菜、潮州工夫茶、潮州大锣鼓、潮州戏等众多“潮”字品牌,构成潮州丰富多彩的旅游资源,自古就有“到广不到潮,枉费走一遭”的美誉。






公元前214年(秦),属南海郡。公元前111年(西汉元鼎六年),属南海郡揭阳县。潮州最早的建制始于公元331年(东晋咸和六年)在南海郡东部析置东官郡,413年(东晋义熙九年)又分东官郡置义安郡。590年(隋文帝开皇十年),全国废郡设州,属循州义安县[注 3],同年升立州。因地临南海取“潮水往复之意”,首命名“潮州”,义安县为州治。“潮州”之名开始见之史册。

公元607年(隋帝大业三年)全国罢州复郡,潮州曾一度改为潮阳郡。直到621年(唐武德四年)第二次称潮州。在这个时候,潮州的疆域是很大的,东到泉州,北到江西,南到大海,西到惠州。 公元686年(唐垂拱二年),从潮州与泉州各割出一些区域,设置了漳州。即使在今天潮州话还是可以在漳州通行,其管辖的云霄、诏安、东山、漳浦、和平等县市,也都有潮剧团,演潮州戏。 所谓地有闽粤之分,俗无漳潮之异。


到了清末民初,潮州的概念就基本定型了,海内外潮州人共有的潮州,也基本上定型在这个基础上。这时潮州的辖县一共有9个:就是潮安(海阳)县、潮阳县、揭阳县、惠来县、普宁县、澄海县、饶平县 、丰顺县、大埔县,还有汕头埠和南澳岛。



广义的潮州,也就是历史上的潮州,主要包括现在潮州市、汕头市和揭阳市以及粤东其他部分地区等。共同的生活习惯,共同的民风民俗,共同的文化背景,共同的语言环境,共同的价值取向,共同拥有了潮州人的 称谓。



2008年末潮州市常住人口256.66万人,[参 4]比2007年末增加1.96万人。2008年末户籍总人口256.13万人,比上年增加2.07万人。按计生口径,全年出生率为10.98‰,死亡率5.65‰,自然增长率5.33‰。


区划名称 ↓ 面积(公里2) ↓ 常住人口 ↓ 户籍人口 ↓
潮州市 3,109.57 2,547,000 2,540,616
湘桥区 152.27 347,061
潮安县 1,263.24 1,203,451
饶平县 1,694.06 990,104

潮州是国家历史文化名城,有“海滨邹鲁”、岭海名邦之美誉。潮州文化起源于潮州先民、成型于秦汉、发展于唐宋、昌盛于明清、创新于现代,是中华民族优秀传统文化的一个小分支,也是潮州文化的发源地。她有中 外文化兼容的特点,也有自己独特的文化体系。另外有专门研究潮州文化的学问“潮学”。



Chaozhou (Chinese: 潮州; pinyin: Cháozhōu; Wade-Giles: Ch'ao²-chou¹; literally "Tide Prefecture"; usually spelled Chiu Chow in the US and Hong Kong), also widely known by its Postal map spelling Teochew, is a prefecture-level city in eastern Guangdong province, People's Republic of China. It borders Shantou to the south, Jieyang to the southwest, Meizhou to the northwest, the province of Fujian to the east, and the South China Sea to the southeast. It has an area of 3,614 square kilometers and a population of 2,500,000

Chaozhou's municipal executive, legislature and judiciary are situated in Xiangqiao District (湘桥区), together with its CPC and Public Security bureaux.

Chaozhou oversees one other district:

* Fengxi (枫溪)

[edit] Counties (县, xian)

* Raoping (饶平)
* ChaoAn (潮安)

In 214 BC, Chaozhou was an undeveloped and named part of Nanhai Commandery (南海郡) of the Qin Dynasty. In 331 during the Eastern Han Dynasty (東汉), Haiyang (海陽縣) was established as a part of Dongguan Commandery (東官郡).

Dongguan Commandery was renamed to Yi'an Commandery (義安郡) in 413. The commandery became a prefecture in 590 in the early Sui Dynasty; first as Xun Prefecture (循州, Xunzhou), then as Chao Prefecture (潮州, Chaozhou) in the following year. In 1914, the Republic of China government combined Chao and Xun prefectures into Chaoxun Prefecture or Chaoxun Circuit (潮循道).

For a short while in the Sui and early Tang Dynasties, Haiyang District was called Yi'an District (義安縣). The name remained Haiyang until 1914, when it was renamed to Chao'an County (潮安縣) to avoid ambiguity with the Haiyang County of Shandong Province.

The seat of the 1951 Guangdong People's Government was at Chao'an County, a part of it was created as Chao'an City in 1953 and later that year renamed to Chaozhou City (county-level). In 1955, the provincial seat moved to Shantou. Chaozhou City was abolished five years later, and reestablished again in 1979. In 1983, the situation was reversed, with Chao'an abolished and made a part of Chaozhou City. Chaozhou was made a provincially-administered city in January 1989, and a vice-prefecture-level city in January 1990. In December 1991, Chaozhou was further upgraded into its current statue of prefecture-level city.

Together, Chaozhou and the nearby cities of Shantou(汕头) and Jieyang(揭阳) are called Chaoshan. The name was used for the joint political-administrative area which encompassed the three cities from 1958 until 1983. For the next five years, Shantou City was a higher-level city containing Chaozhou and Jieyang within it. Currently, Chaozhou, Shantou and Jieyang are equal in status.


Chaozhou is famously known as one of the great cultural centres in the Lingnan region of China. Chaozhou culture is known worldwide as a unique part of world heritage. Down through history, the Chaozhou region, was able to flourish and thrive as a prosperous cultural centre enabling the nourishing of a unique and distinctive character epitomized in the Chaozhou Dialect, Chaozhou opera, Chaozhou cuisine, Chaozhou Ganghu tea, Chaozhou music, Chaozhou lion dance and Chaozhou embroidery.

Chaozhou Dialect (潮州話), by which the Chaozhou culture conveys, is considered as one of the oldest Chinese dialects for it preserves many elegant and refined features from ancient Chinese that have been lost in some of the other modern dialects of Chinese. It is spoken by about 10 million people in local Chaozhou and approximately 2-5 million overseas.
Chaozhou Opera

Chaozhou opera (潮劇) is a traditional art form which has a history of more than 500 years and is now loved by 20 million Chaozhou natives in over 20 countries and regions. Based on the local folk dances and ballads, Chaozhou opera has formed its own style under the influence of Nanxi Opera. Nanxi is one of the oldest Chinese operas that originated in the Song Dynasty. Its tunes are graceful and pleasant, full of local color. The old form of choral accompaniment still remains its special features. Clowns and females are the most distinctive characters in a Chaozhou opera, and fan-playing and acrobatic skills are more prominent than in other types of performances.

Gongfu tea (工夫茶), the 'espresso' of Chinese teas with a formidable kick, which was first sipped back in the Song Dynasty, is still flourishing and remains an important part of social etiquette in Chaozhou. If you visit a family, you can be sure of at least one round of Ganghu tea. Though it tastes bitter when it first reaches your mouth, it is the lingering aftertaste that makes Ganghu tea probably the most charming tea culture in China. Drinking Ganghu tea is in fact a process of aesthetics rather than a solution to thirst.

At the local teahouse, tea service is often accompanied with Chaozhou music (潮州音樂). String music, the gong and drum music, the ancient music of set flutes are the traditional play forms of Chaozhou music. Chaozhou string music is made up of mostly plucked and bowed string instruments, and on some occasions, wind instruments are used. The most characteristic instruments are the rihin (二弦), tihu (提胡) and yahu (all two-stringed bowed lutes), the sanxian, pipa, ruan, guzheng, and yangqin. The number of instruments and performers in the ensemble is flexible and depends on the availability of instruments and musicians to play them - but to have an even and balanced texture only one of each instrument is preferred. Chaozhou drum music includes the big drum and gong, the small drum and gong, the dizi set drum and dong and su drum and gong ensembles. The current Chaozhou drum music is said to be similar to the form of the Drum and Wind Music of the Han and Tang Dynasties. The Chaozhou guzheng (潮州古筝) is also regarded as a major member of the southern guzheng family.

(source: wikipedia)

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